
Black Balsam Knob Sunset Elopement

Asheville Elopement Photographer

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Black Balsam Knob really is one of our favorite places in the mountains of North Carolina. One of our favorite places in general to be honest. So, when we get to shoot weddings and elopements there, we get pretty dang excited. There is something about sharing our knowledge of the area with couples who are planning on exchanging their vows up there. The excitement in their eyes when they see the views or once they see how different it looks on the day of vs the day they came to visit it. Sometimes it’s because its super foggy and green and other times, like at Regan + Ronak’s elopement, it started out with bright, harsh light which saturated the reds and browns already there. The sunset that evening was something to die for. It was beautiful and it was a perfect way for these two to end their day up on the mountain. Their incredible vows, their loving families and their overall excitement to make their love forever official made it even sweeter.

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Because Ronak’s grandmother couldn’t make it all the way up to the official ceremony location the couple chose, they came back down and recited their vows again in front of her so that she could hear them too. Easiest way to put it; it was a crazy sweet moment.

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Location: Black Balsam Knob | Reception: Engaged Asheville | Dress: Wildflower Bridal | Brides Boots: Redwing | Suit: Bonobos | Flowers: Springvine 

Song: All I Want by Kodaline


